Ocean Seven's
It is the highest accolade of swimming you can achieve in long distance marathon swimming, Just like seven wonder of the world, there are Seven Major Channel Crossing in the world, they are made up of Catalina Channel, Cook Strait, English Channel, Strait of Gibraltar, Molokai Channel, North Channel, Tsugaru Channel.
Catalina Federation
catalina channel - America, los Angeles
- 26km ice water condition among jellyfish, sharks
- Window - November to May
- Temperature 14 - 16 Degrees
- Heavy chop / very unpredictable weather
- Rock face cliffs on each side
Captain Cook Beach
Cook Strait - New Zealand
- 26km ice water condition among jellyfish, sharks
- Window - November to May
- Temperature 14 - 16 Degrees
- Heavy chop / very unpredictable weather
- Rock face cliffs on each side
White Cliffs of Dover
English channel - Between England and France
- 34 km, cold water, strong currents
- Window - June to September
- Temperature 13 - 17 Degrees
- Tide flows, strong winds
Picture pulled from the internet
strait of Gibraltar - Between spain and morocco
- 14.5km
- Window - June to October
- Temperature 16 - 20 Degrees
- Choppy Conditions
View from our Apartment in Hawaii
molokai channel ( kaiwi Channel Hawaii )
- 41.8km
- Window - March - August
- Temperature 25 Degrees
- Choppy Conditions, Deep water, Strong currents
- Aggressive Marine life
A perfect map of a crossing
tsugaru channel - Between Honshu and hokkaido japan
- 19.5km
- Window - July to August
- Temperature 16 - 20 Degrees
- Pacific Ocean, Large swells, Strong currents
- Sea Life - Sea snakes, sharks, large bloom squid
Ocean map of the Channel
- 33.7km
- Window - July to September
- Temperature 12 Degrees
- Choppy Conditions, Heavy seas, Strong currents
- Only 24 swimmers crossed between 1924 - 2015